Life is not always easy nor fair. For those of us who met Dirk, today, it is an important day. A day we want to celebrate because anyone who met Dirk, was priviledged, lucky and owns special memories.
Yes we hurt inside for all the years gone by without him in our lives. Memories come and go and there are moments when you wonder, why did this happen? but, what can I say? he gave life his very best. He married twice. Margetta and I have so much to thank him for. Greta and Alexa (her jewels) Dennis and Patrick (my treasures), the four of them, my darlings.
How does this work? I'll never know, but, he lives in each one of them and little do they know how I, often, by looking into their eyes, or, hear their voices travel in time. Then I remember the days when I too was a young woman, very much inlove and remember how he meant the world to me. In some special ways, he still does. Tonight, wherever you are, take one sip of your wine and send Dirk a happy birthday thought. He expects it, he's used to mine and I am sure he will welcome yours.....