Channel: Spontaneous Writing
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For the longest period of time, I have been waiting to get someone to help me install the proper rain slides, specially now that I even have a huge container. But.... no volunteers so far.

I took this picture because I thought: now, there is a good and practical idea that will probably be easy to install and efficient at the same time.

The Portuguese are good at these 'desenrascar' they call it and you get to see these kind of ideas wherever you go which gives towns character and tourism loves it.

I must be changing for I used to be a perfectionist and I now considering to get something like this done in order to benefit from whatever rain we still will have before the summer settles.

Picturesque? yeah.... but, I will prepare another post with a contrasting picture of the German one and then you tell me what you think

E precisso e ter muita paciencia e desejar que um dia estes pequenos pormenores se convirtam numa realidade mais para o lado da Alemanha mas.... se tiver que 'desenrascar', entao, vamos a isso, o que realmente importa e reciclar o precioso elemento '"WATER" re-utilizar e depois sentar com um copo de vinho branco, fresquinho e apreciar o verdor do jardim...............

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